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group of people standing in grass

The Southeast Texas Native Seed Mix

Southeast Texas is an area with a unique ecological challenge. It’s an area that can be plagued by periods of significant wet and dry, making it difficult to identify the steps to take to achieve ecological balance.  However, it’s just the kind of challenge that native seed was grown to

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man in a tall field

Grow with Us: Take Our Survey & Get Free Shipping

We want to make sure that the content we offer you online through our blog, emails, social, and more, fits your needs.  With that in mind, our team has created a short survey. It should not take more than five minutes to fill out. (We’ve tested it). Take the Survey

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seed-spec can help with a field of grass

Reclamation Project Planning with Seed-Spec

Quickly and Easily Identify Site-Specific Native Seed Blends Reclamation projects are complex scenarios. Beyond managing crews, deadlines, and budgets, there is the importance of identifying the right species for a location. Many regulations around reclamation or revegetation require that an operator or land owner submit a reclamation plan well in

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a field of grass with mountains in the background

Cover Crops and Nurse Crops for Reclamation and Revegetation

One of the many lessons learned from Mother Nature is the importance of seasons. Her natural cycles of germination, growth and fruition, harvest, and rest (or dormancy) prove to be as close to perfect as possible in cultivating healthy stands of grasses, forbs, and legumes; to providing wildlife with appropriate

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