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Author - Bamert Seed

Winter Planning for Spring Reclamation & Conservation Projects

Mother Nature always knows best. As much as possible, we try to follow her lead and learn from her example.

One of her best lessons is the importance of rest, both for the land and for us. While a season of dormancy might feel counterproductive, it leads to growth. During the cold winter months, the land might be resting. But that doesn’t mean it’s not working. 

The same is true for people. While the winter months mean we aren’t seeing tangible proof of growth, it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. 

Whether you’re a landowner, conservationist, farmer, or project manager, winter presents the perfect opportunity to prepare for spring projects. Here’s how to make the most of this season and use winter planning to prepare for a fruitful spring.

red tractor in a snowy field

Understanding the Importance of Winter Planning

It might seem odd to think about planting during a season when the temps can be below freezing, but taking advantage of this time allows you to be set up for success as soon as soil temperatures are warm enough for planting. 

Assessing Your Land: Winter is an ideal time to evaluate your property or the location of your project. Without all the growth of spring and summer, you can more easily see the lay of the land, identify problem areas, and consider potential improvements.

Setting Goals: Whether you’re aiming to create wildlife habitat, prepare for grazing livestock, or meet reclamation requirements, clear objectives will shape your project’s direction.

Setting goals involves asking questions such as:

  • What do you want to accomplish?
  • What is your timeline and budget for this project?
  • What specific needs do you have within your project (for example, will you need to graze livestock? Are you trying to establish a stand on a steep slope?)
  • Do you have the right equipment for planting and establishing?
  • What kind of weed pressure can you expect? How will you manage this pressure? 
  • Will you need to plan for irrigation or fertilization for this project? 

Answering these questions during the winter allows you to be ready to go when temperatures warm and it’s time to plant. 

But these questions are just a start. If you want to maximize your winter planning, you need to use Seed-Spec.

Simplify Winter Planning with Seed-Spec

Seed-Spec is more than just a tool; it’s a gateway to successful project planning. This online web application helps you identify site-specific native seeds that are ideal for your land’s unique conditions. With just a few clicks, you can create a custom blend of native seeds that match Mother Nature’s design for your land

Regardless of your needs, Seed-Spec can serve you. This project planning tool has a wide range of applications:

  • Ag Producers: Create a site-specific native seed blend and feel comfortable knowing that the species you pick are adapted to your farm or ranch – meaning it will be suitable for livestock and wildlife. 
  • Project Managers: Quickly and easily build a site-specific native seed blend to meet your project’s revegetation requirements and establish a successful stand the first time, saving you time and money. 
  • Conservationists: Native plants are the best choice for conservation projects because of how perfectly adapted they are to a region. Quickly identify a blend that fits your project’s specifications without wasting time or money. 


Here’s how Seed-Spec elevates your project planning:

  • Instant Soil Analysis: Seed-Spec assesses your soil characteristics and climate, recommending a custom blend of seeds that will thrive in your specific location.
  • Ease of Use: With a user-friendly interface, Seed-Spec simplifies complex data, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly.
  • Cost-Effective Planning: By pinpointing the right species the first time, Seed-Spec saves you time and resources, reducing the risk of unsuccessful planting.

 Visit Seed-Spec today and be ready to see your project come to life.

How to Use Seed-Spec for Optimal Results

Want to know more about using Seed-Spec to maximize winter planning for spring planting success?

seed spec home page

Visit Seed-Spec: Once here, you will need to either create an account or log in.

seed spec map

Create Your Project: Draw the points of your project to generate a customized report.

seed spec map

Identify Soil Characteristics: Seed-Spec uses the location of your project to identify specific characteristics of your soil. Depending on the size of your project, multiple blends may be necessary (for example, with a long project such as pipelines or transmission lines, you are likely to encounter different types of soil, all requiring a unique blend.)

seed spec list

Create a Custom Seed Blend: Seed-Spec generates a custom seed blend report that takes into account your location, soil, climate, and recommended planting rates. You can save, print, or email your report. 

You can take this report to any seed supplier you choose. If you want to email your report to us, you can contact us here!

Checklist for Winter Planning

Ready to begin your winter planning to plant your project this spring? Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Conduct a thorough soil analysis.
  • Choose seeds based on climate, rainfall, and specific project goals (e.g., grazing, wildlife attraction).
  • Consider budget constraints and project scale.
  • Plan for weed control and land preparation.
checklist for winter planning

Why Plan Now?

Winter planning sets the stage for spring success. By taking these steps now, you’re ensuring that once planting season arrives, you’re ready to hit the ground running – with the right seeds, the right plan, and the right support.

As we embrace winter’s season of rest, remember that it’s also a season of preparation. With Seed-Spec as your guide and Bamert Seed’s expertise at your disposal, you’re not just planning – you’re laying the foundation for a vibrant, thriving spring. 

Ready to begin planning a successful reclamation or conservation project? Our team is here to guide you through the process and set you up for a fruitful year.


On Key

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