Cool Season Grass vs. Warm Season Grass

Sideoats Grama

Cool-season grass, and warm-season grass. These are terms often used in the native grass industry. You may have heard them too, but sometimes they can be a little confusing. If you have ever wondered whether to plant cool-season grass or warm-season grass, keep reading as our Bamert experts dive into the subject.  Cool Season Grasses […]

Will This Seed Grow Here? Seven Items to Consider in Seed Selection

a single yellow flower in the middle of grass

You may find yourself thinking, “Will this variety grow well in my garden/field in ___________? (Fill in the blank with your location.)” Whether or not a certain variety or species will thrive in an intended area is a question we receive season after season here at Bamert. While the locations vary, we always respond with […]

Where’s My Grass?

field of planted crop

There’s nothing more frustrating when checking on ground after planting native grass seed or Texas native plants than to have your gaze met with barren soil. The familiar question is, “Where’s my grass?” As reclamation specialists, Bamert doesn’t just answer the question when a landowner is facing disappointing results. Instead, we strive to educate our […]

Re-establishing Native Vegetation

a man on a tractor spreading seed

Part 2: Planting Equipment & Drill Seed The greatest challenge when helping customers establish native vegetation is the availability of the right equipment and an understanding of how to use it for their reclamation seeds. There are several intricacies of the different types of equipment and respective applications, so we’ve made it easy to understand […]

PLS vs. Bulk

green seed in a scoop being put into a white bag

Understanding the True Cost of Conservation Seed, CRP Seed & Native Grass Seed Whether you’re in the market for conservation seed, CRP seed, or native grass seed, it’s important to know the difference between purchasing native seed blend in bulk or PLS pounds. The goals of nearly any project with native grass seed include achieving […]