Understanding Soil Type: Optimizing Native Grass Growth

grass growing in a field with a tractor in the background

Establishing native plants requires you to use high-quality, pure seeds. But before you can put those seeds into the ground, you have to know all about your soil type. An in-depth knowledge of your soil type allows you to determine the best species for your project, how much water you will need, and what kind […]

A Guide to Seeding and Establishing Native Species

close up of native plants

By Nicholas Demel It is difficult to overstate the many benefits that come from seeding and establishing native plant species. These species protect soil and prevent erosion, strengthen a local ecosystem by creating a natural habitat for wildlife and insects, and provide a constant food source for wildlife and livestock (whether foliage or seeds). While […]

How To Take A Soil Sample

how to take a soil sample

Transscript  Speaker 1 (00:13): You ever wonder why you need to take a soil sample? Somebody like me tells you, you need to go out and take one. It’s a lot of work. You wonder, why do I need to do that? The reason is that if you’re growing crops or plants, you don’t know […]

Calibrating A Seed Drill

calibrating a seed drill

Transcript  Speaker 1 (00:11): Hi, I’m Jim Johnson Soils and Crops consultant with the Noble Foundation. Today we’re going to calibrate this grain drill to plant some cover crop seed. Many times you can use the chart under the lid of the grain drill to get the right idea of where to set the drill. […]

Don’t Waste Money by Going Cheap With Your Seed

an open pipeline on brown dirt

By Rob Cook, Director of Business Development, Bamert Seed When undertaking a reclamation, right of way, or construction project, some of the biggest concerns during and after the construction are stopping and preventing erosion, restoring the hydrology of the site, and the other site work needed to reestablish the vegetation. All of the dirt work […]

Re-establishing Native Vegetation

a pivot in a field

Part 1, Selecting Seed & Seeding Rate By Barry Coker, Reclamation Specialist, Bamert Seed The title “Reclamation Specialist” seems relatively self-explanatory but it can be surprisingly complex. My colleagues and I are all very different people, but we all have one thing in common – we love to help people. Coincidentally, we are tasked with […]

Re-establishing Native Vegetation (Pt 2)

a brown field under a blue sky

The Right Tool for the Job By Barry Coker, Reclamation Specialist, Bamert Seed The biggest bottleneck that we deal with when it comes to helping our customers establish native vegetation is the availability of the right equipment to use and an understanding of how to use it. When I started writing this article, I has […]

Three Reasons Not to Plant a Monoculture

a bullet flying through the air

By Rob Cook, Director of Business Development, Bamert Seed Every so often we hear about the next silver bullet that will solve all of our problems. Someone is touting the next grass to solve all of our grazing and reclamation needs or the next species of pollinators that will bring back all of the butterflies. […]

You Keep Saying PLS…I Just Want to Buy Some Seed!

green seeds in a scoop being bagged

By Rob Cook, Director of Business Development, Bamert Seed Have you been a little confused with bulk pounds vs PLS pounds when you’re purchasing seed? Have you had a seed dealer recommend purchasing a native seed blend on a bulk pound basis while another recommends purchasing on a PLS pound basis? I’m pretty sure you’re […]