Our Story
Bamert Seed Company’s dedication to providing the best has allowed us to offer over 400 species of high-quality native grasses, forbs, and legumes. The species and varieties we produce have been carefully selected to match the soil and climatic conditions of the Southern Great Plains and beyond, making them adaptable to most areas in the Southern US. Our people and processes allow us to have great confidence in our product.

Seed Locally Adapted to Your Area
- Pipeline ROW
- Power Line ROW
- Solar Farms
- Wind Farms
- Pad Site Reclamation
- Wildlife Habitat
- Prairie Restoration
- Soil-Type-Specific Blends
Most seeds are harvested and processed in our state-of-the-art facility for top quality assurance.
Value Added Services
Consult with our specialists for custom blend development and proper planting techniques.
If your desired species is not listed, please call for availability!
Adapted varieties and local ecotype specific releases available for your area.
- Most orders shipped in 24 hours
- FREE custom blending on most orders
Grass Blends
Deluxe Prairie Blend
(25 to 45 in. annual rainfall)
Planting rate 10 lb. / acre
Sideoats ……………..25%
Little Bluestem……..25%
Indiangrass ………. 17.5%
Green Sprangletop…10%
Switchgrass …………10%
Sand Lovegrass……7.5%
Big Bluestem………….5%
Hill Country Blend
Planting rate 10 lb. / acre
Sideoats Grama…….25%
Switchgrass …………15%
Buffalograss ………..20%
Green Sprangletop…10%
Indiangrass ………….10%
Little Bluestem……..10%
Canada Wildrye …….10%
Premium Pasture Blend
(Less than 25 in. annual rainfall)
Planting rate 10 lb. / acre
Sideoats ……………..30%
Green Sprangletop…30%
Buffalograss …….. 12.5%
Bristlegrass………. 12.5%
Blue Grama ……………5%
Switchgrass …………..5%
Western Wheatgrass..5%
Native Turf Blend
Planting rate, landscape
2 lb. / 1,000 sq. ft.
Planting rate, pasture 30 lb. / acre
Buffalograss ………..67%
Blue Grama ………….33%
*Blend composition subject to change based on availability
Wildflower Blends
Blue Flax • Rocket Larkspur • Annual Lupine • African Daisy
Baby’s Breath • Clarkia • Corn Poppy • Godetia • Columbine
Money Plant • Lance Leaved Coreopsis • Yellow Prairie
Coneflower • Sensation Mix Cosmos • Chinese Forget-Me-Not
Black-Eyed Susan • Bearded Dianthus • Purple Coneflower
California Poppy • Plains Coreopsis • Sweet Alyssum • Shasta
Daisy • Scarlet Flax • Sweet William • White Yarrow • Indian Blanket
Strawflower • Gay feather • Bachelor Button • Annual Mallow
Perennial Lupine • Siberian Wallflower • California Poppy
Annual Candytuft • Rocket Larkspur • Sweet Alyssum
Black-Eyed Susan • Blue Flax • Scarlet Flax • Gayfeather
Showy Milkweed • Lemon Mint • Dwarf Godetia • Purple
Coneflower • Perennial Gaillardia • Dwarf Coneflower
Annual Gaillardia • Dwarf Red Coneflower • Dwarf Plains
Coreopsis • Lance Leaved Coreopsis
*Blend composition subject to change based on availability
Reclamation Blends
Quick Cover Blend
Planting rate 10 lb. / acre
Sand Lovegrass…….50%
Sand Dropseed……..25%
Green Sprangletop…25%
Right of Way Blend
Planting rate 20 lb. / acre
Ryegrass (Annual) …40%
Millet ………………….10%
Sideoats ……………..10%
Green Sprangletop..7.5%
Western Wheatgrass 10%
Buffalograss ………..10%
Blue Grama …………2.5%
Solar Grass Blend
Planting rate 7-10 lb. / acre
Sideoats Grama….40.8%
Blue Grama …………6.8%
Buffalograss ……..20.4%
Sand Dropseed…….3.4%
Western Wheatgrass. 13.6%
Burnet Hooded
Windmillgrass ……..1.3%
Cibolo Little Barley .13.6%
Solar Wildflower Blend
Planting rate 5-7 lb. / acre
Mexican Hat………30.7%
Purple Prairie Clover. 30.7%
Texas Bluebonnet…7.7%
Indian Blanket ……..7.7%
Blackeyed Susan ….7.7%
Lanceleaf Coreopsis.7.7%
Clasping Coneflower.7.7%
Steep Slope Blend
Planting rate 25 lb. / acre
Annual Cereal Rye …40%
Annual Ryegrass……20%
Sand Lovegrass…….12%
Sand Dropseed……….8%
Tank Dam Blend
Planting rate 10 lb. / acre
Sand Dropseed……..10%
Sand Lovegrass……7.5%
Sideoats ……………..15%
Green Sprangletop…10%
Annual Ryegrass……10%
Canada Wildrye ………5%
Tall Wheatgrass, Jose 15%
Hooded Windmillgrass.2.5%
Wind Energy Grass Blend
Planting rate 10 lb. / acre
Sideoats Grama….. 25%
Little Bluestem …….25%
Switchgrass …………10%
Indiangrass ……….17.5%
Green Sprangletop…10%
Lovegrass …………..7.5%
Big Bluestem………… 5%
Wind Energy Wildflower Blend
Planting rate 11-22 lb. / acre
Blue Sage
Clasping Coneflower
Crown Tickseed
Dahlberg Daisy
Dotted Gayflower
Dwarf Evening Primrose
Englemann Daisy
Golden Wave Tickseed
Indian Blanket
Lance-Leaved Coreopsis
Lemon Mint
Prairie Coneflower
Purple Coneflower
Purple Prairie Clover
Red Phlox
Scarlet Sage
Showy Evening Primrose
Texas Bluebonnet
*Blend composition subject to change based on availability
Native Grasses
- Arizona Cottontop
- Bluestem, Big “Earl”
- Bluestem, Big “Kaw”
- Bluestem, Big “Rountree”
- Bluestem, Big “OZ-70”
- Bluestem, Bushy
- Bluestem, Cane
- Bluestem, Little “Aldous”
- Bluestem, Little “Cimarron”
- Bluestem, Sand “Chet”
- Bluestem, Silver “Santiago Germplasm”
- Bluestem, Splitbeard
- Bristlegrass, “Catarina Blend”
- Bristlegrass, Plains
- Buffalograss, “Texoka”
- Buffalograss, “Topgun”
- Cordgrass, Prairie
- Curly Mesquite
- Dropseed, Sand
- Dropseed, Sand “Taylor Germplasm”
- Dropseed, Tall
- Eastern Gamagrass
- Galleta, “Viva”
- Grama, Black
- Grama, Blue
- Grama, Blue “Hachita”
- Grama, Hairy “Chaparral Germplasm”
- Grama, Sideoats “Brewster Germplasm”
- Grama, Sideoats “El Reno”
- Grama, Sideoats “Haskell”
- Grama, Sideoats “Vaughn”
- Grama, Texas “Atascosa Germplasm”
- Green Sprangletop, “Van Horn”
- Indiangrass, “Cheyenne”
- Indiangrass, “Lometa”
- Inland Saltgrass
- Inland Seaoats
- Little Barley, “Cibolo Germplasm”
- Lovegrass, Plains
- Lovegrass, Sand “Bend”
- Lovegrass, Sand “Mason”
- Needlegrass, Green
- Pappusgrass, Whiplash “Permian Germplasm”
- Ricegrass, Indian “Rimrock”
- Sacaton, Alkali
- Switchgrass, “Alamo”
- Switchgrass, “Blackwell”
- Threeawn, Purple
- Threeawn, Purple “Loma Germplasm”
- Tridens, Purpletop
- Tridens, White “Guadalupe Germplasm”
- Wheatgrass, Tall “Jose”
- Wheatgrass, Western
- Wheatgrass, Western “Arriba”
- Wheatgrass, Western “Barton”
- Windmillgrass, Hooded “Burnet Germplasm”
- Windmillgrass, Hooded “Mariah Germplasm”
- Windmillgrass, Shortspike “Welder
Germplasm” - Wildrye, Canada
- Wildrye, Canada “Lavaca”
- Wildrye, Virginia
Bamert Seed is proud to be a licensed grower in the
Texas Native Seeds program. Please call or visit our
website for availability of species not listed.
Grasses in bold are part of the Texas Native Seeds Program.
Wildflowers, Forbs, Legumes & Shrubs
- Alfalfa, “Ladak”
- Alfalfa, “Ranger”
- Blackeyed Susan
- Blazing Star
- Bluebonnet, “Texas”
- Bundleflower, “Beewild”
- Bundleflower, Illinois “Reno”
- Bundleflower, Illinois “Sabine”
- Chicory
- Chufa
- Clover, Alsike
- Clover, Purple Prairie “Cuero”
- Clover, Purple Prairie “Kaneb”
- Clover, Rose “Overton”
- Clover, White
- Clover, White Prairie
- Clover, Yellow Blossom
- Coneflower, Grey-headed
- Coneflower, Purple
- Coreopsis, Lanceleaf
- Coreopsis, Plains
- Croton, Wooly (Doveweed)
- Daisy, Engelmann “Eldorado”
- Indian Blanket
- Indian Paintbrush
- Lab Lab
- Leadplant
- Lespedeza, Kobe
- Lespedeza, Korean
- Lespedeza, Roundhead
- Medic, Burr
- Mexican Hat
- Milkweed
- Pea, Austrian Winter
- Pea, “Iron & Clay”
- Pea, Partridge
- Pitcher Sage
- Ragweed, Western
- Saltbush, Fourwing
- Sumac, Skunkbush
- Sunflower, Bush “Plateau”
- Sunflower, False Oxeye
- Sunflower, Maximilian
- Sunflower, Native
- Sunflower, Small Black
- Wild Bergamot
Seed-Spec is a geo-spatially enabled web application to develop custom native seed blends for re-vegetation of your next project using site specific soil and plant information and minimal user inputs.
Seed-Spec Audiences
- Engineer
- Project Manager
- Ag Producer

Seed-Spec is currently available in the following areas.