sideoats grama blowing in the wind

Sideoats Grama – Plant

Planting Rate: 5-10 pounds PLS per acre

Latin Name: Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.)

Longevity: Perennial

Season: Warm

Origin: Native


  • Sideoats grama is a warm-season, native, perennial bunchgrass that grows 3-4 feet tall. 
  • The plants produce seed from May through October in west Texas. 
  • Blend of two native populations collected in Brewster and Terrell Counties of west Texas. 
  • Has superior plant vigor, seed production, and biomass production compared to available sideoats grama releases when grown in west Texas. 
  • Sideoats grama produces abundant forage for all classes of livestock and is an important source of cover and food for quail and other wildlife in west Texas. 
  • Because of the plant’s stature and fast-growing seedlings, it has good competitive ability with many non-native grasses.
  • Stands should not be grazed in the planting year to allow adequate rootstock development.
  • Long-lived perennial that is extremely drought and fire tolerant once established.