Author - Bamert Seed

Engelmann Daisy: Species Spotlight

Engelmann Daisy is part of the “Big Four” of perennial forbs native to Texas. It will offer the same great benefits of the other desirable native species we’ve discussed in our series thus far. However, Engelmann Daisy—Latin name, Engelmannia pinnatifida—features some distinguishing differences to set it apart from the other three in this select group.

Englemann Daisy is actually a cool season species. Don’t let the delicate yellow flowers on this plant fool you into believing it doesn’t have the ability to make it on the prairie. This sunny bloom is one tough customer known for its hardiness in withstanding drought, all thanks to the large tap root it grows from.  

You’ll see the Engelmann Daisy start popping up on Texas rangeland in the early Spring. The bright yellow blooms will maintain their splendor throughout the growing season, with flowering occurring through July. While it can take the drought, the petals of the plant will tend to fold downward in extreme heat. 

Beauty is not the only attribute of Engelmann Daisy. This high-protein plant is highly palatable and eagerly grazed upon by several classes of livestock and deer. This is a bit unique because it’s rare to have a cool-season perennial offer high quality forage for all grazers. Because it remains green in the winter, it’s a welcome treat to wildlife amidst a brown landscape. 

If you’re looking to add diversity to your ecosystem—or reclamation project—Bamert’s experts can create a blend ideal for your project. And our online store is available 24/7 when you need it.


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