The Benefits of Native Species for Grazing Livestock

a sunset behind a tall grass

Native species are a critical component of land management and conservation practices. In areas where grazing livestock is prevalent, the use of native grasses has been shown to provide numerous benefits. From providing ground cover to offering nutritional benefits for both livestock and wildlife, the value of native species cannot be overstated, but reaping these […]

Warm Season Perennials: A Guide to Restoration

a field of tall grass

As we’ve transitioned from March to April, many of us are experiencing Spring in full force. While these warmer temperatures might be ideal for outdoor activities and evening cookouts, they’re also prime-time planting for warm-season perennials. Planting native perennials is an excellent choice for restoration and/or revegetation projects. These native plants promote biodiversity in a […]

Do I Need to Fertilize?

taking soil samples

By Rob Cook, Director of Business Development, Bamert Seed Many times our customers ask if they should fertilize, or ask us to give a fertilization recommendation based off of the species of grass in the blend they’re planting. Unfortunately there is no way for us to give a responsible answer to those questions without the […]

The Life of a Bamert Seed

tractor parked in field

Bamert Seed Company’s dedication to providing the best has allowed us to offer over 400 species of high-quality native grasses, forbs, and legumes. The species and varieties we produce have been carefully selected to match the soil and climatic conditions of the Southern Great Plains and beyond, making them adaptable to most areas in the […]

Understanding Soil Type: Optimizing Native Grass Growth

grass growing in a field with a tractor in the background

Establishing native plants requires you to use high-quality, pure seeds. But before you can put those seeds into the ground, you have to know all about your soil type. An in-depth knowledge of your soil type allows you to determine the best species for your project, how much water you will need, and what kind […]

A Guide to Seeding and Establishing Native Species

close up of native plants

By Nicholas Demel It is difficult to overstate the many benefits that come from seeding and establishing native plant species. These species protect soil and prevent erosion, strengthen a local ecosystem by creating a natural habitat for wildlife and insects, and provide a constant food source for wildlife and livestock (whether foliage or seeds). While […]

Don’t Waste Money by Going Cheap With Your Seed

an open pipeline on brown dirt

By Rob Cook, Director of Business Development, Bamert Seed When undertaking a reclamation, right of way, or construction project, some of the biggest concerns during and after the construction are stopping and preventing erosion, restoring the hydrology of the site, and the other site work needed to reestablish the vegetation. All of the dirt work […]

Best Food Sources and Habitats for Animals

deer with antlers in a field

Butterflies, bees, and birds are drawn to these native blends because they provide food for pollinators and have beautiful aesthetics. Texas Wildflower Blend  Bird & Butterfly Blend Honey Bee Blend American Magic Wildflower Mix Deer enjoy these native blends. Many of them offer winter forage for all animals and high protein for deer. They include […]

Bamert Seed Staff’s Favorite Native Plants

close up of wildflowers

Texas Wildflower Blend Natalie Ingle If you ever meet Natalie, you’ll find her to be a very colorful, outgoing person, and truly a proud Texan! All of her favorite native seeds are found in our Texas Wildflower Blend. Natalie wants everyone to experience a life full of vibrant color, and this blend provides that perfect POP! […]

Seeds Are Life

whiplash papusgrass seed

When our customers are looking to grow specific native species that they request or our specialists recommend, many wonder what the seeds actually look like. Getting all the details, even knowing the appearance of the seed,  is important before making these big decisions! Blue Grama Buffalograss Sideoats Little Bluestem Big Bluestem Yellow Indiangrass Purple Prairie […]