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Author - Bamert Seed

Bamert Seed Staff’s Favorite Native Plants

Texas Wildflower Blend
Natalie Ingle

If you ever meet Natalie, you’ll find her to be a very colorful, outgoing person, and truly a proud Texan! All of her favorite native seeds are found in our Texas Wildflower Blend. Natalie wants everyone to experience a life full of vibrant color, and this blend provides that perfect POP!

Yellow Indiangrass
Rob Cook

When flowering, Indiangrass has a beautiful seed head.  What makes it different is the flower doesn’t bloom until later in the growing season, so when you do see this flower, it’s a good indicator that fall is near! One thing you should know about Rob is that Fall is his favorite season, making Yellow Indiangrass a great indicator of that.

Green Sprangletop
Brett Bamert

Green Sprangletop is the first seed to germinate in a blend. What makes it so important is its ability to stabilize the soil, so that the main climatic species can come in later. Brett says this reminds him of everyone on the Bamert Seed team. We make sure all our customers are taken care of from beginning to end and given the proper tools to succeed. Unlike the Green Sprangletop that tends to be short lived, Bamert Seed Company puts in the work continuously!

Blue Grama
Nicholas Demel

The Great Plains stretches across approximately 1,125,000 square miles, and one grass that is found all throughout the land is Blue Grama. Nicholas admires this staple warm-season grass because of its consistency and regularity throughout vast distances. In a way, Blue Grama is similar to the Bamert Seed team. We are a staple in the native seed industry; consistent and accessible at any time.

Standing Cypress
Brian Hays

Bamert Seed is a company that stands out in its field and catches many people’s attention because of its diversity. Very comparable to that is the Standing Cypress, an extremely unique plant that is sought after in the native wildflower industry. Brian admires the way that they attract many hummingbirds, making it a great pollinator plant and a beautiful bloom!

White Tridens
Manuel Cardenas

Manuel is our Warehouse manager, someone with great experience and efficiency. The main reason White Tridens is his favorite native plant is because it is the easiest plant to process and clean. The seed heads appear spine-like and are white with a reddish tint. They are almost effortless to plant and great for livestock to graze. Efficient as well as effective!

Whiplash Pappusgrass
Jeff King

It is usually very rare to spot a type of native grass that grows very high in West Texas, however the Whiplash is an exception to that commonality. Growing between 3 and 5 ft. tall, the Whiplash Pappusgrass provides quick cover that is great for not only wildlife, but reclamation and grazing as well. Jeff is our Farm Manger, and just as whiplash is a staple piece of West Texas, Jeff is a crucial member of the Bamert Seed team. He enjoys how pretty the seed is after it is cleaned and is definitely proud to grow and harvest it at Bamert Seed!

Sideoats Grama
Nick Bamert

The state grass of Texas is Sideoats Grama. This grass thrives in hot, dry gardens and when it reaches full bloom in the summer, it produces a blue/purple/orange foliage at the top. Interestingly, it grows in all soil types and especially grows best in full sun. Being a proud Texan himself, Nick loves this native grass. It reminds him of the way that the people at Bamert Seed thrive in differing circumstances and produce the best, diverse species {and service} for all customers. 

Maximilian Sunflower
Diane Moore

Maximilian Sunflower is tolerant of a wide variety of soils and, because of its attractiveness, livestock and wildlife LOVE to eat it. Diane’s favorite flower is a sunflower, not for the same reasons as the wildlife obviously, but simply because of their beauty! Maximilian Sunflowers are essentially whole bunches of tiny yellow sunflowers; a display she so loves to see and enjoy!

Wildlife Habitat Blend
James Locke

The Wildlife Habitat Blend is an amazing food plot blend that requires no annual maintenance and provides great winter forage for deer, turkey, and quail. It supports not only many species of wildlife, but their habitats as well! (Hence the name.) James is an avid hunter, so he finds many benefits in distributing this blend across many acres of land. 


On Key

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