5 Principles of Soil Health

grass starting to grow

Rainfall is one thing landowners cannot control. That’s the bad news. But, here’s the good news. The amount of rainfall is not the determining factor when it comes to soil health. Rather, it’s the rainfall retained that truly makes a difference. Here are the 5 principles to help maximize every drop of moisture and optimize […]

Hello Nurse Crop

Nurse crop

Nurse crops have been used for years, but often are overlooked during the planning process of reclamation seeding. Perennial grasses and forbs are aided by nurse crops because they offer protection as the plants establish. A properly planned nurse crop aids in erosion control, creates a wind break for young seedlings, and can even suppress […]

Re-establishing Native Vegetation

a field with a pivot

Part 1: Selecting Your Seed and Seeding Rate Many of our customers look to our pasture seed for erosion control. For us at Bamert Seed, this is a chance to do one of the things we love most: helping people. As Reclamation Specialists, we enjoy the opportunity to help customers select the best pasture seed […]